Image via Direct Objects with permission.
Avid collectors of Funko Pops – or other types of action figures – know that properly displaying and storing their prized possessions is part of the game. But as the collection grows, so too does the responsibility to keep it orderly, and clean.
If you’re wondering how to keep your Funko and action figures in great condition, keep scrolling for our top advice on the matter. We’ll cover the best ways to store figures and other collectibles – including how to pack for storage – so that you can keep them in mint condition to sell in the future or to hand down for others to enjoy. After all, you didn’t spend countless hours (and, let’s face it, lots of cash) building your collection to lose it to poor planning, inclement weather, or – gasp – UV light. With a few investments and a little time, you can make sure your collectibles will stand the test of time.
What Type of Storage are You Using for Your Action Figures?

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First things first: consider how you’re currently storing your Funkos (or any other figure collection). Assess what you like and what you don’t like about the situation. Consider the following:
- Are my Funkos easily accessible?
- Are they ordered and labeled?
- Are they in a climate-controlled space?
- Is there any risk of damage in their current space?
- Are there certain figures I want displayed vs. stored?
- Are they still in their original boxes?
- How many of my Funkos have bobbleheads?
- Do I want to sell them in the future or keep them indefinitely?
- How many do I have?
Once you’ve taken a good hard look at your collection and thought about both its current storage, and how you’d like it stored moving forward, you’ll be in a much better place to take action.
Remember: there is no shame whatsoever in using and enjoying your action figures. Sure, some collectors will tell you that the only way to ensure they retain or gain in value is to keep them stored safely away in their original packaging, but if selling them isn’t your ultimate goal – take that advice with a grain of salt. If displaying or playing with your Funkos brings you joy, don’t feel that you have to lock them up never to be seen again in order to get the most out of them. You might be getting the most out of them already.
Best Conditions to Store Action Figures and Plastic Toys

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Fans that have decided to store their figurines still have a few decisions to make about the condition, location, and accessibility of their collection. For now, you may be wondering, “Will heat and humidity cause damage even if my Funkos are wrapped in bubble wrap?” or “Can dust damage figures and collectibles?” or “Does UV light damage figures and collectibles?” The answers are yes, yes, and yes, so let’s start at the beginning.
1. Choose a location that is climate-controlled
Meaning that the temperature and humidity are stable and exposure to UV light is limited or nonexistent. Hint: this is likely not your garage, attic, or cellar.
2. Choose a location that fits your accessibility needs.
If you want to pack your Funkos or other action figures away and don’t plan on pulling them out for a while, then you might not need highly accessible storage. If you are planning on pulling them out, swapping them, or selling them in the near future, you will want a closer option.
3. Choose a location that is safe from the natural elements.
You may think climate-controlled storage means out of the elements, but if you’re keeping your Funkos in a refinished basement space that could flood or an insulated garage that could be infested with rodents, your items might not be as protected as you think.
4. Choose a location that will fit your collection today and tomorrow.
When you decide on a spot to store your collectibles, make sure it can be scaled up or down as necessary as your collection either grows or shrinks. The last thing you want to do is needlessly transport your action figures or Funkos, as that can introduce unnecessary levels of risk.
How Should You Pack Your Collectibles?

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Once you’ve got a spot picked out, it’s time to pack up your figure collection so that it stays protected over for the long haul. Of course, easier said than done, but with a few quick purchases and a little bit of effort, you can rest assured that your beloved figurines will be well taken care of.
Following are some FAQs about how to best pack them up:
How can I keep my Funko Pop! Vinyls in pristine condition?
Store them in their original boxes and stack them in a plastic (or sturdy cardboard) container. Place bubble wrap between layers for extra protection.
Should you take Funko Pops out of the box?
Not unless you are really tight on storage space. If they are out of their boxes already, bundle each figure in plenty of bubble wrap for extra protection.
What if I want to store and display my Funkos at the same time?
There are plenty of options and ideas available online for Funko Pop displays that pull double duty as storage. We particularly like acrylic floating wall shelves, as they have plenty of room to keep your Funkos in their original boxes.
When packing up your items for storage or display, be sure to dust them off before putting them back in their boxes. You’ll also want to be certain that whatever container you put them in will have enough room, so that the action figures themselves or the boxes they arrive in aren’t damaged by being shoved into a too tight space.
Why Self-Storage is a Great Option
Sure, we might be a little biased, but when it comes to collections, it’s very easy to make an argument that a climate-controlled storage unit is a great option. If you choose the right spot, it’s got it all: removal of weather elements, easy accessibility, and the capacity to scale up or down along with your collection. You’ll also rest easy knowing that your Funkos are safe from children and household pets – all of which can play pretty rough.
One other point about climate control, which this informative article points out, heat is not the only element that will funk up your Funkos. Temperature fluctuations can cause “parts [to] become loose due to expansion and contraction caused by the shift from cold to hot from the winter to the summer.”
Final thought? Invest in your investment. You’ve worked hard to find the Funkos you want, and now it’s up to you to keep your figure collection in good condition. Apply the same thoughtfulness you had when building your collection and you’ll be pleased with the results over both the short- and long-term.