It’s almost that time again. Time to bid goodbye to the year we’ve had and set goals for the year to come. For many, the targets are the same every year: read X number of books, get in shape, spend more time with family, finally declutter the house . . . any of those sound familiar? We might not be able to help with the first three, but if purging house clutter is on your “to do” list for 2024, you’ve hit the jackpot.
Below, we’ve got everything you need to know about how to purge your house, including organization hacks and home storage ideas. Keep scrolling to get going on your organization checklist in the New Year because, before you know it, it’s gonna be 2025!
The Power of Decluttering

Decluttering is a sure way to set the mind at ease. Not only does it give you more space to move around, but it is also said to help you improve concentration, sleep better, let go of the past, and even improve your mood. Sounds pretty good!
So, how best to get started? Simple: pick a method to curate your clutter. Choose between the two discussed below or research one that suits your needs and personality better.
Set Clear Goals
The first order of business is to set goals. Sure, you might have a Pinterest board chockful of home storage organization ideas, but if you don’t get clear about what exactly you want to do and when, all the blog posts in the world won’t help.
One clutter-clearing framework we like is the 12-12-12 method, which instructs that you find 12 items to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to put back where they belong. Try to do it in each room of your home, and you might be shocked at the impact!
The KonMari Method
The KonMari Method is another popular decluttering tool. It requires you to hold each item and consider whether it sparks joy. If not, into the donation bin or trash basket it goes. While that may seem a little extreme, people have found that it helps them separate items they may have a sentimental attachment to from those they actually need to live with day in and day out.
Maximize Vertical Space

Now that you’ve settled on a decluttering methodology, it’s time to move on to how to store the items you keep. One of our favorite storage organization ideas, because it works just as well for shed or garage storage as it does in the home, is to take advantage of every bit of vertical space you’ve got.
Wall-Mounted Shelves
Wall-mounted shelves provide secure, spacious storage that looks good and, above all else, performs. Make sure whatever shelving unit you purchase is rated for the weight of the items you put on it. Also, follow the manufacturer’s instructions about anchoring shevels to the wall. It might be helpful to call in the pros for this one!
Vertical Storage Units
Vertical storage units accomplish much the same as wall-mounted shelves, with three clear advantages: they can be easily moved, easily taken apart, and often have doors. These pieces work great for self-storage units , sheds, pantries, and anywhere else that could benefit from good organization.
Reimagine Your Closet
One spot where vertical storage often comes in surprisingly handy? Your closet. We’ve seen success putting items you don’t need much higher up (think evening bags, shawls, beachwear, etc.) than your day-to-day items. Keep reading for a couple more organization hacks.
Seasonal Rotation
This one is another of our fave home storage organization ideas: take whatever doesn’t match the season and put it in a storage bin under your bed. This allows you to see what you’re working with each morning. It also makes it easier to declutter when it comes time to swap seasons!
Custom Shelving
Another great closet organization hack, if you can swing it, is to invest in custom shelving. Custom shelving is a perfect option if you’ve got a specialty collection – like shoes or sweaters – that deserve their own spots to shine.
Kitchen Organization
We’re not going to lie: kitchens are tough to declutter and organize. They’re full of differently shaped items, fragile pieces, and a lot of “single use only” ware that is annoying to hold onto – but expensive to replace. Looking at you, potato ricer! Plenty of people have made plenty of money offering up home storage ideas for the kitchen, so we’ll keep this short and only focus on how to best organize vertically and horizontally.
Drawer Dividers
Vertical drawer dividers are a fast and quick way to smack your utensils and other small items into shape. We love our expanding bamboo tray from Crate & Barrel (though there are plenty of similar options on the market) because it brings instant order to a nest of serving spoons, steak knives, and measuring cups.
Pantry Shelving
Horizontal pantry shelving can make all the difference between an easy-to-navigate cupboard and one that has you pushing past beans and olive oil to get to the potato chips. Our best tip? Think about what you eat before you start looking at shelving options. If you haven’t had a bowl of soup or a tin of tuna in the last ten years, you can probably forego the specialty can storage.
The Garage Revamp

Last on the organization checklist: the garage. While arguably less challenging than organizing your attic, garages still require careful thought to maximize space, safeguard volatile items, and ensure that seasonal items are easy to access.
Overhead Storage
Overhead storage has become quite popular in garages of late. Plenty of systems on the market allow you to store everything from holiday items to sports gear in bins hanging from rails on the ceiling. Heck, it’s better than letting your items get cold and damp on the floor! If you decide to go this route, be sure to follow the weight guidelines and restrictions to a tee to avoid any traumatic incidents.
Pegboard Walls
Pegboard walls are a garage staple – and for good reason. You can store a surprising array of items on pegboard, including garden tools, helmets, shovels, toys, and hammers. You need to ensure that the pegboard itself is well-installed so that the weight of your possessions doesn’t pull it away from the framing. Ask us how we know! We hope our decluttering and home storage organization ideas have inspired you to tackle 2024 with gusto! Let this be the year we all conquer clutter once and for all!